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Latest News: Warner Bros. announces Zack Snyder will direct Justice League movie

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Latest News: Warner Bros. announces Zack Snyder will direct Justice League movie

DC Comics Justice League New 52 1 Cover

DC Comics Justice League New 52 1 Cover

According to an exclusive interview with Warner Bros. President of Worldwide Production, Greg Silverman, by the Wall Street Journal, Zack Snyder will be the direct for an upcoming Justice League movie. This leads to confirming all the rumours that have been floating around for the last few years of a possible Justice League movie. As to who will actually be featured in this movie, Mr. Silverman is being pretty tight lip.

The upcoming Superman vs Batman movie has been presented to be a leading point to the Justice League movie since it will feature Superman, and Batman as well as the first introduction of Wonder Woman to the big screen. This move by Warner Bros. looks like it would be similar to what Marvel has already achieve with multipleĀ  movies leading into one big team movie. How this will turn out for Warner Bros. is yet to be determined since the only super-hero movie franchise that has done well forĀ  them so far at the box office was the Dark Knight Trilogy.

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