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Comic Review: Avengers Disassembled

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Comic Review: Avengers Disassembled

Avengers Disassembled

Avengers Disassembled

This is the series that started it all. The Marvel Universe as we know it has it’s roots in this ground breaking story. Brian Michael Bendis (Daredevil, Powers) with art by David Finch (Brightest Day, Dark Knight), have weaved a story with lasting consequences that is still felt.

This series ending storyline, at time, caused a huge outcry when it was first released in the monthly comic form. Many long time Avengers fans were outraged that Marvel decided to end their beloved comic series. Scarlet Witch has a nervous breakdown and with her reality altering powers has conjured up an all out attack on the Avengers leaving many casualties in the aftermath. The lasting effects of this series is still felt in the Marvel Universe.

A definite must read for anyone is getting into Marvel Comics. This story is what cemented Brian Michael Bendis as the top dog at Marvel. Dramatic, exciting, and above all, a wild roller coaster ride that you wish would never end and when it does leaves you craving for more! If more is what you want, then I would recommend you rush out to pick up New Avengers Vol 1 (2005).


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