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Comic Review: Batman Incorporated (2012), Volume 1: Demon Star

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Comic Review: Batman Incorporated (2012), Volume 1: Demon Star

Batman Incorporated (2012), Volume 1: Demon Star

Batman Incorporated (2012), Volume 1: Demon Star

Batman Incorporated is written Grant Morrison (Batman, New X-men, JLA) with artwork by Chris Burham (The Armory War).

Demon Star begins after the end original Batman Incorporated (2010) series. Batman and Robin, Damian, must lead a fight against Talia Al Ghul who attempting to take over Gotham City with an army of Leviathan agents. To add to the escalating problem, Talia has placed a bounty on her son, Damian.

Unlike the original Batman Incorporated series that was set prior to the new 52 relaunch,  this new series does not focus on the group of “Batmen” Bruce has assembled but more on Batman and Robin. The Batman Incorporated team is more of  a side characters in this series.  Fans of Damian as Robin will definitely like this series as he is the main focal point of this series. This first story arc is excellent and definitely gets you hooked from the start and craving for more!

One other book you probably might want to read to bridge the gap between the first series and the second series is Batman Leviathan Strikes – One Shot.

This first volume of Batman Incorporated is available in both Softcover and Hardcover

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